Kleiner Münsterländer breeder – Map
Would you like to buy a Little Münsterländer? On this map you will find breeders of Kleiner Münsterländer. Click on the symbol to get more information about the breeder.
Note: The positions do not show the exact position of the breeder, but only the position by zip code.
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Small Münsterländer breeder in Normandy
Breeders list Normandy
- Des Herbes Seches in 14170 St Pierre En Auge, Caen, Calvados, Normandy
- De La Combe D’Ain in 14210 Montigny, Caen, Calvados, Normandy
- Ananth De La Chete in 27190 Le Fidelaire, Rouen, Yours, Normandy
- De La Ferme Saint Pierre in 27220 La Baronnie, Cergy, Yours, Normandy
- De La Petite Chaumiere Normande in 27330 Mesnil En Ouche, Rouen, Yours, Normandy
- Du Clos D’aaron in 27370 St Cyr La Campagne, Rouen, Yours, Normandy
- De La Foret De Lyons in 27380 Radepont, Rouen, Yours, Normandy
- De Rabodanges in 27400 Le Mesnil Jourdain, Rouen, Yours, Normandy
- Du Clos De L’epte in 27420 Authevernes, Cergy, Yours, Normandy
- Du Chateau De Mussegros in 27440 Ecouis, Rouen, Yours, Normandy
- Du Passage De La Naux in 27440 Bacqueville, Rouen, Yours, Normandy
- Du Gue De La Lieure in 27440 Bacqueville, Rouen, Yours, Normandy
- Des Petits Paniellois in 27510 Vexin Sur Epte, Cergy, Yours, Normandy
- vom Ferder Maler in 27510 Panilleuse, Cergy, Yours, Normandy
- Des Plaines Panielloises in 27510 Vexin Sur Epte, Cergy, Yours, Normandy
- vom Feder Maler in 27510 Vexin Sur Epte, Cergy, Yours, Normandy
- Des Plaines D’adele in 27600 St Aubin Sur Gaillon, Rouen, Yours, Normandy
- Des Marais Du Mesnil in 50100 Cherbourg En Cotentin, Some, Normandy
- Du Domaine De La Houssaie in 50160 St Amand, Caen, Some, Normandy
- Des Marais Du Vergon in 50300 Marcey Les Greves, Rennes, Some, Normandy
- Du Petit Domaine Du Verger in 50480 Carentan Les Marais, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Some, Normandy
- Du Marais Des Chardons Bleus in 50590 Montmartin, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Some, Normandy
- Des Vallons De La See in 50670 Le Mesnil Gilbert, Caen, Some, Normandy
- Du Domaine D’aiden in 50690 Nouainville, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Some, Normandy
- Du Bois Des Roquettes in 50890 Conde Sur Vire, Caen, Some, Normandy
- De La Meche Brune in 76190 Autretot, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Normandy
- Les Sacres Numeros in 76270 Bouelles, Massy, Seine-Maritime, Normandy
- Des Valleuses D’albatre in 76280 St Jouin Bruneval, Le Havre, Seine-Maritime, Normandy
- Du Bois Clieu in 76370 Petit Caux, Massy, Seine-Maritime, Normandy
- De La Croix Mahieu in 76460 Ingouville, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Normandy
- De Beaudribos in 76680 Saint, Massy, Seine-Maritime, Normandy
- D’ibipopotame in 76740 Brametot, Massy, Seine-Maritime, Normandy
- Du Cru De Bruquedalle in 76780 La Chapelle St Ouen, Massy, Seine-Maritime, Normandy
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I love my Kleiner Münsterländer because,
…he is so faithful and loyal.
…he is always happy and playful.
…he is a great companion on outdoor adventures.
…he is intelligent and eager to learn.
…he is a watchful and protective family dog.
The Kleiner Münsterländer is simply a fantastic dog! With his loyalty, cheerfulness, playfulness, intelligence and alertness, he takes the hearts of many dog lovers by storm. His loving nature and even temperament make him an indispensable member of the family. Whether playing in the garden, training together or on long walks – the Kleiner Münsterländer is always enthusiastic and brings joy to the everyday life of its owners. Anyone who has ever been lucky enough to have a Kleiner Münsterländer will never want to do without them again.
Other names and spellings for Kleiner Münsterländer
To make this page easier to find, we also list other spellings and translations here.
The Little Münsterländer is also known as: Heidewachtel, Heidewachtel (Kleine Münsterlander), Kleine Münsterländer, Kleiner Münsterländer Vorstehhund, Mały Münsterländer, Munsterlander (Small), Petit epagneul de munster, Petit Epagneul de Münster, Small Munsterlander, Small Münsterländer.
Small Münsterländer breeder lists
Overview page of all Kleiner Münsterländer breeders
Small Münsterländer breeder in Belgium
Small Münsterländer breeder in Denmark
Small Münsterländer breeder in Germany
Small Münsterländer breeder in France
Small Münsterländer breeder in the Netherlands
Small Münsterländer breeder in Austria
Small Münsterländer breeder in Poland
Small Münsterländer breeder in Switzerland
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