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Shiba Breeder Hungary- Map
Want to buy a Shiba in Hungary? Find Shiba breeders in Hungary and surroundings on this map. Click on the symbol to get more information about the breeder.
Note: The positions do not show the exact position of the breeder, but only the position by zip code.
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Shiba breeder in Hungary
- Bravados MEOE in Püspökladány, Kiskunmajsa, Hajdú-Bihar vármegye, Dél-Alföld
- Sparrow Band in Szigetszentmiklós, Kiskunmajsa, Pest vármegye, Dél-Alföld
- Europuppy in Budapest, Kiskunmajsa, Csongrád-Csanád megye, Dél-Alföld
- Reborn MEOE in Fegyvernek, Kiskunmajsa, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok vármegye, Dél-Alföld
- Hoshibaru MEOE in Debrecen, Kiskunmajsa, Hajdú-Bihar County, Dél-Alföld
- Imperial Legacy MEOE in Jula, Kiskunmajsa, Békés vármegye, Dél-Alföld
- Szibéria Cédrus in Bicske, Kiskunmajsa, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén vármegye, Dél-Alföld
- Jatagarasu MEOE in Mezőtúr, Kiskunmajsa, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok vármegye, Dél-Alföld
- Tibriom For Family MEOE in 3121 Somoskőújfalu, Kiskunmajsa, Neuburg County, Dél-Alföld
- Beauty of The East in 3411 Szomolya, Kiskunmajsa, Somogy vármegye, Dél-Alföld
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I love my Shiba because,
…he is so clever and capable of learning.
…he is so independent and self-confident.
…his cute appearance is simply irresistible.
…he is loyal and protective.
…his cheeky and playful character always makes me laugh.
My Shiba is a real bundle of energy who makes every day an exciting experience with his curious and adventurous nature. His loyalty and protective instinct are admirable, and his independence makes him a fascinating companion. The mixture of cleverness, playfulness and charm makes the Shiba a dog that you simply have to love. With his unique character and unmistakable appearance, he enriches my life in many ways and makes me enthusiastic every day anew.
Other names and spellings for Shiba
To make this page easier to find, we also list other spellings and translations here.
The Shiba is also known as: Japanese Brushwood Dog, Japanese Shiba Inu, Shiba Inu, Shiba Ken, Shiba-inu, Shiba-ken.
Shiba breeder lists
Overview page of all Shiba breeders
Shiba breeders in the Czech Republic
Shiba breeders in the Netherlands
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