Saint Bernard breeder – Map
Would you like to buy a Bernhardiner? On this map you will find Saint Bernard breeders. Click on the symbol to get more information about the breeder.
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Saint Bernard breeders in Hauts-de-France

Breeders list Hauts-de-France
- Du Templier Du Vermandois in 02110 Bohain-en-Vermandois, Saint-Quentin, Aisne (02), Hauts-de-France
- Du Domaine Du Rucher in 02110 Becquigny, Saint-Quentin, Aisne (02), Hauts-de-France
- De La Maison Des Tartarin in 02400 Épaux, Meaux, Aisne (02), Hauts-de-France
- Des Gardiens Sacres De Laisne in 02420 Gouy, Saint-Quentin, Aisne (02), Hauts-de-France
- Du Parc Des Acacias in 02470 Passy-en-Valois, Chelles, Aisne (02), Hauts-de-France
- Du Pre Des Dianes in 02690 Essigny Le Grand, Saint-Quentin, Aisne (02), Hauts-de-France
- Daumeraies Vincent in 59186 Anor, Binche, North (59), Hauts-de-France
- Du Jolyreve D’amandine in 59188 Saint-Aubert, Saint-Quentin, North (59), Hauts-de-France
- De La Legende D’hatchi in 59191 Ligny En Cambresis, Saint-Quentin, North (59), Hauts-de-France
- De La Vallee Des Trois Couleurs in 59222 Forest En Cambresis, Saint-Quentin, North (59), Hauts-de-France
- Mme Delbruyere in 59440 Semeries, Binche, North (59), Hauts-de-France
- De La Vallée De L’hogmiau in 59440 Floursies, Binche, North (59), Hauts-de-France
- Du Mont Boeschepe in 59870 Marchiennes, Tournai, North (59), Hauts-de-France
- Du Chemin Du Bois Hubert in 60130 Lieuvillers, Beauvais, Oise (60), Hauts-de-France
- Des Murmures Du Réveillon in 60240 Chambors, Beauvais, Oise (60), Hauts-de-France
- Du Château Du Kronprinz in 60400 Nampcel, Chelles, Oise (60), Hauts-de-France
- Du Clan Des Sel in 62134 Prédefin, Montreuil, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- Des Gardiens De Mon Coeur in 62140 Aubin, Montreuil, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- De La Petite Bourionne in 62158 Saulty, Amiens, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- Du Fort Noir in 62170 Montreuil Sur Mer, Dunkerque, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- Des Sources De La Liane in 62240 Quesques, Montreuil, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- Du Bois Du Marais in 62450 Favreuil, Saint-Quentin, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- Du Bois Du Marais in 62450 Favreuil, Saint-Quentin, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- Du Domaine Du Hameau Du Fayel in 62650 Preures, Montreuil, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- Des Plaines De Menty in 62830 Verlincthun, Montreuil, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- Du Domaine De Queant in 62860 Quéant, Saint-Quentin, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- Domaine Des Turbulins in 62870 Maintenay, Montreuil, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- De La U’tana in 80120 Favieres, Montreuil, Somme (80), Hauts-de-France
- Des Ceriselets in 80400 Quivieres, Saint-Quentin, Somme (80), Hauts-de-France
- Des Plaines De Cachy in 80800 Cachy, Amiens, Somme (80), Hauts-de-France
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St. Bernard associations in France

I love my St. Bernard because,
…he is always loyal and faithful at my side.
…he delights me every day with his gentle nature and friendly character.
…he always puts a smile on my face, no matter how my day has gone.
…he is a great playmate for my children and makes them laugh.
…he is a watchful protector and makes me feel safe.
The St. Bernard is not only a loyal companion, but also a loving family member who always provides positive energy and joy. With his imposing appearance, he radiates calm and serenity, while his lovable nature and playfulness take everyone’s hearts by storm. His impressive size and strength make him a reliable protector who always keeps an eye on his family. A St. Bernard not only brings joy and love into the home, but also provides security and warmth. It is simply wonderful to have such a loyal and big-hearted dog by your side.
Other names and spellings for St. Bernard
To make this page easier to find, we also list other spellings and translations here.
The Bernhardiner is also known as: Alpine Spaniel, Bernardyn długowłosy, Bernardyn krótkowłosy, Chien du Saint-Bernard, Perro San Bernardo, Saint Bernard, Saint Bernard Dog, Saint Bernard long-haired, Saint-Bernard, San Bernardo a Pelo Corto, San Bernardo a Pelo Lungo, Sankt Bernardshund, långhårig, Sankt Bernhardshund, korthåret, Sankt Bernhardshund, korthårig, Sankt Bernhardshund, langhåret, Sint Bernard, Sint Bernard, korthaar, Sint Bernard, langhaar, Sint-Bernard, St. Bernard, St. Bernard Dog, St. Bernhardshund.
Saint Bernard breeder lists
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St. Bernard breeder in Estonia
Saint Bernard breeders in France
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Saint Bernard breeder in Portugal
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Saint Bernard breeders in Spain
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