Kangal breeders and puppies in the Czech Republic

This page is also available on cz.dogweb.com: Chovatelé a štěňata kangalů v České republice

Here you can find Kangals breeders in Czech Republic.
Here you can find Kangals breeders and puppies in the Czech Republic.

Kangal breeder Czech Republic- Map

Would you like to buy a Kangal in the Czech Republic? On this map you will find Kangal breeders in the Czech Republic and surroundings. Click on the symbol to get more information about the breeder.

Note: The positions do not show the exact position of the breeder, but only the position by zip code.

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Kangal breeder in Hradec Králové

Kangal breeder in Hradec Králové,KR, Králové Region, Hradec Králové, Jičín, Náchod, Rychnov nad Kněžnou, TrutnovKangal breeder in Hradec Králové,KR, Králové Region, Hradec Králové, Jičín, Náchod, Rychnov nad Kněžnou, TrutnovHere you can find breeders for Kangals near: Königgrätz, Trautenau

Breeders list Hradec Králové

Sorry, no breeder for Hradec Králové yet. Are you a breeder? You can register here for free!

Kangal breeder in Karlovy Vary

Kangal breeder in Karlovy Vary,KA, Karlovy Vary region, Karlovarský krajKangal breeder in Karlovy Vary,KA, Karlovy Vary region, Karlovarský krajHere you can find breeders for Kangals near: Carlsbad, Eger, Falkenau

Breeders list Karlsbad

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Kangal breeder in Liberec

Kangal breeder in Liberec,LI, Liberecký kraj, Reichenberg regionKangal breeder in Liberec,LI, Liberecký kraj, Reichenberg regionHere you can find breeders for Kangals near: Bohemian Leipa, Gablonz on the Neisse, Reichenberg

Breeders list Liberec

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Kangal breeder in Moravia-Silesia

Kangal breeder in Moravia-Silesia,MO, Moravskoslezský kraj, Moravian-Silesian RegionKangal breeder in Moravia-Silesia,MO, Moravskoslezský kraj, Moravian-Silesian RegionHere you can find breeders for Kangals near: Friedeck-Mistek, Hawirzow, Hunter village, Karwin, Nesselsdorf, Neutitschein, Oderberg, Orlau, Ostrava, Teschen, Troppau, Trzynietz

Breeders list Moravia-Silesia

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Kangal breeder in Central Bohemia

Kangal breeder in Central Bohemia,Č, Central Bohemian Region, Středočeský krajKangal breeder in Central Bohemia,Č, Central Bohemian Region, Středočeský krajHere you can find breeders for Kangals near: Colin, Jungbunzlau, Kladen, Kuttenberg, Pribram

Breeders list Central Bohemia

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Kangal breeder in Olomouc

Kangal breeder in Olomouc,OL, Olomoucký kraj, Olomouc regionKangal breeder in Olomouc,OL, Olomoucký kraj, Olomouc regionHere you can find breeders for Kangals near: Moravian Schönberg, Olomouc, Prerau, Processnitz

Breeders list Olomouc

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Kangal breeder in Pardubice

Kangal breeder in Pardubice,PA, Pardubice region, Pardubický krajKangal breeder in Pardubice,PA, Pardubice region, Pardubický krajHere you can find breeders for Kangals near: Chrudim, Pardubice

Breeders list Pardubice

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Kangal breeder in Pilsen

Kangal breeder in Pilsen,PL, Plzeňský kraj, Pilsen regionKangal breeder in Pilsen,PL, Plzeňský kraj, Pilsen regionHere you can find breeders for Kangals near: Klattau, Pilsen

Breeders list Pilsen

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Kangal breeder in Prague

Kangal breeder in Prague,PR, Hlavní město Praha, Capital City of PragueKangal breeder in Prague,PR, Hlavní město Praha, Capital City of PragueHere you can find breeders for Kangals near: Prague

Breeders list Prague

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Kangal breeder in South Bohemia

Kangal breeder in South Bohemia,JČ, Jihočeský kraj, South Bohemian RegionKangal breeder in South Bohemia,JČ, Jihočeský kraj, South Bohemian RegionHere you can find breeders for Kangals near: Ceske Budejovice, New house, Pisek, Strakonitz, Tabor

Breeders list South Bohemia

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Kangal breeder in South Moravia

Kangal breeder in South Moravia,JM, Jihomoravský kraj, South Moravian RegionKangal breeder in South Moravia,JM, Jihomoravský kraj, South Moravian RegionHere you can find breeders for Kangals near: Blanz, Brno, Göding, Lundenburg, Wischau, Znojmo

Breeders list South Moravia

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Kangal breeder in Ústí

Kangal breeder in Ústí,ÚS, Ústecký kraj, Ústí regionKangal breeder in Ústí,ÚS, Ústecký kraj, Ústí regionHere you can find breeders for Kangals near: Aussig, Brüx, Komotau, Leitmeritz, Oberleutensdorf, Teplice-Schönau, Tetschen

Breeders list Ústí

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Kangal breeder in Vysočina

Kangal breeder in Vysočina,VY, Kraj Vysočina, Highland regionKangal breeder in Vysočina,VY, Kraj Vysočina, Highland regionHere you can find breeders for Kangals near: German Brod, Iglau, Saar, Trebitsch

Breeders list Vysočina

Sorry, no breeder for Vysočina yet. Are you a breeder? You can register here for free!

Kangal breeder in Zlín

Kangal breeder in Zlín,ZL, Zlínský kraj, Zlin regionKangal breeder in Zlín,ZL, Zlínský kraj, Zlin regionHere you can find breeders for Kangals near: Hungarian Hradisch, Kremsier, Wallachian Meseritsch, Wesetin, Zlin

Breeders list Zlín

Sorry, no breeder for Zlín yet. Are you a breeder? You can register here for free!

Buy Kangal puppies.
Before you get a cute puppy, think carefully about whether you can fulfill the necessary requirements: enough time, patience, financial means, sufficient space and the willingness to integrate it as a long-term family member.

I love my Kangal because,

…he is loyal and protective.
…he has a gentle nature and is very loving.
…he is intelligent and eager to learn.
…he forms a strong bond with me.
…he has a beautiful appearance and looks imposing.

My Kangal is not just a dog, but a loyal companion who delights me every day with his loving nature and loyalty. His intelligence and willingness to learn make him an ideal partner with whom to form a close bond. His imposing appearance radiates strength and beauty, making him a real eye-catcher. The unique characteristics of my Kangal make him an incomparable companion that I love more than anything.

Why I love Kangal
There are many reasons to love the Kangal dog breed.

Other names and spellings for Kangal

To make this page easier to find, we also list other spellings and translations here.
The Kangal is also known as: Anatolian, Anatolian Shepherd Dog, Anatolische herder, Anatolischer Hirtenhund, Berger d’Anatolie, Berger Kangal, Chien de berger kangal, Kangal Çoban Köpeği, Kangal Dog, Kangal Shepherd Dog, Kangal-Hirtenhund, Pastore dell’Anatolia, Turkish Kangal, Turkish Kangal Dog.

Kangal breeder lists

Overview page of all Kangal breedersOverview page of all Kangal breeders

Kangal breeder in BelgiumKangal breeder in Belgium

Kangal breeders in GermanyKangal breeders in Germany

Kangal breeder in FranceKangal breeder in France

Kangal breeders in GreeceKangal breeders in Greece

Kangal breeder in ItalyKangal breeder in Italy

Kangal breeders in AustriaKangal breeders in Austria

Kangal breeders in RussiaKangal breeders in Russia

Kangal breeders in SwitzerlandKangal breeders in Switzerland

Kangal breeders in the Czech RepublicKangal breeders in the Czech Republic

Kangal breeders in TurkeyKangal breeders in Turkey

Kangal breeders in the UkraineKangal breeders in the Ukraine

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