This page is also available on Hovawart Züchter und Welpen in Österreich

Hovawart Breeder Austria- Map
Would you like to buy a Hovawart in Austria? On this map you will find Hovawart breeders in Austria and surroundings. Click on the symbol to get more information about the breeder.
Note: The positions do not show the exact position of the breeder, but only the position by zip code.
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Hovawart breeder im Burgenland
Breeders list Burgenland
- von den Pyramidenhovis in 7034 Zillingtal, Vienna, Eisenstadt-surroundings, Burgenland
- Dall’ Alta Austria in 7521 Eberau, Graz, Güssing, Burgenland
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Hovawart breeder in Carinthia
Breeders list Carinthia
- vom Garten der Freiheit in 9020 Klagenfurt, Villach, Carinthia
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Hovawart breeder in Lower Austria

Breeders list Lower Austria
- vom Weinkörbchen HZI in 2213 Bockfließ, Vienna, Mistelbach, Lower Austria
- vom Braunsbergblick in 2403 Wildungsmauer, Vienna, Bruck an der Leitha, Lower Austria
- Wächter der Zukunft in 2460 Bruck, Burgenland, Bruck an der Leitha, Lower Austria
- Eilleen in 2485 Wampersdorf, Burgenland, Bathing, Lower Austria
- vom Völkerschlachtdenkmal in 2571 Altenmarkt an der Triesting, St. Pölten, Bathing, Lower Austria
- vom Föhrenauer Wald in 2822 Föhrenau, Burgenland, Neunkirchen, Lower Austria
- vom Tullnerbach in 3013 Tullnerbach, Vienna, St. Pölten, Lower Austria
- von der Tannenmühle in 3052 Innermanzing, St. Pölten, St. Pölten, Lower Austria
- von der Waldlichtung in 3072 Kasten, St. Pölten, Waidhofen an der Ybbs, Lower Austria
- von Zelking in 3393 Zelking, St. Pölten, Melk, Lower Austria
- von der Meeresbrandung in 3442 Langenrohr, Vienna, Tulln, Lower Austria
- von der Wassernixe in 3533 Friedersbach, St. Pölten, Zwettl, Lower Austria
- vom Wiegenstein HZI in 3664 Martinsberg, St. Pölten, Zwettl, Lower Austria
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Hovawart breeder in Upper Austria
Breeders list Upper Austria
- of Secret Amber ÖKH in 4060 Leonding, Catfish, Linz-Land, Upper Austria
- von Altwartenburg ÖKV in 4863 Seewalchen, Salzburg, Vöcklabruck, Upper Austria
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Hovawart breeder in Salzburg
Breeders list Salzburg
Sorry, no breeder for Salzburg yet. Are you a breeder? You can register here for free!
Hovawart breeder in Styria
Breeders list Styria
- vom Schirninghof in 8112 Eisbach, Klagenfurt, Graz area, Styria
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Hovawart breeder in Tyrol
Breeders list Tyrol
Unfortunately no breeder for Tirol yet. Are you a breeder? You can register here for free!
Hovawart breeder in Vorarlberg
Breeders list Vorarlberg
- von Herzog’s HZI in 6850 Dornbirn, Bregenz, Vorarlberg
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Hovawart breeder in Vienna
Breeder list Vienna
- von der Hovibande in 1140 Wien, Burgenland, Vienna
- vom Kolpeterberg in 1140 Wien, Burgenland, Vienna
- Österreichischer Klub der Hovawartfreunde ÖKH in 1140 Wien, Burgenland, Vienna
- vom Wiener Stadtrand in 1210 Wien, Floridsdorf, Burgenland, Vienna
- Xamilou ÖKH in 1210 Wien, Burgenland, Vienna
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Hovawart clubs in Austria

I love my Hovawart because,
…he is loyal and protective.
…he is a great playmate.
…he is intelligent and eager to learn.
…he is a great companion on walks.
…he is a loving family dog.
The Hovawart is a fascinating dog breed with a unique combination of protective instinct and gentleness. They are loyal companions who love and protect their family unconditionally. Their intelligence and learning ability make them ideal training partners, while their playful nature and energy make them perfect companions for outdoor activities. The Hovawart is not just a dog, but a loyal friend and companion that enriches the lives of its owners and creates unforgettable moments.

Other names and spellings for Hovawart
To make this page easier to find, we also list other spellings and translations here.
The Hovawart is also known as: Hovie.
Hovawart breeder lists
Overview page of all Hovawart breeders
Hovawart breeder in the Czech Republic
Hovawart breeders in the Netherlands
Hovawart breeders in Switzerland
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