This page is also available on Englische Bulldogge Züchter und Welpen in der Schweiz
This page is also available on Éleveurs de Bouledogues anglais et chiots en Suisse
This page is also available on Allevatori di Bulldog Inglese e cuccioli in Svizzera
English Bulldog breeder Switzerland- Map
Would you like to buy an English Bulldog in Switzerland? Use this map to find English Bulldog breeders in Switzerland and the surrounding area. Click on the icon to get more information about the breeder.
Note: The positions do not show the exact position of the breeder, but only the position by zip code.
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English Bulldog breeder in Switzerland
- Bouledogue Mania in 1789 Lugnorre FR, Neuchâtel, Lake district / Lac, Fribourg/Freiburg
- Bouledogue Mania in 1789 Lugnorre FR, Neuchâtel, Lake district / Lac, Fribourg/Freiburg
- Englische Bulldogge Good Body In der Schweiz in 4566 Halten SO, Berne, Bucheggberg-Wasseramt, Solothurn
- Good Body in 4566 Halten SO, Berne, Bucheggberg-Wasseramt, Solothurn
- Motor Queen SCEB, SKG in 5728 Gontenschwil AG, Lucerne, Kulm, Aargau
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I love my English Bulldog because,
…she is so patient and friendly.
…she is always loyal and faithful to me.
…she makes me laugh every day with her funny behavior.
…she loves to cuddle and gives me so much love.
…she is unique and makes my life so much nicer.
An English Bulldog can have so many positive qualities that make them great companions. Their gentleness, playfulness, and unwavering loyalty are just a few of their remarkable qualities. Their laid-back nature and love for people make them wonderful family dogs. The appearance of an English Bulldog may seem rugged, but their heart is so tender and warm. They are full of charm and have a unique appearance that enchants everyone around them. Their fun nature and lovable personality make them a dog you can’t help but love. Always up for a game or a hug, they are loyal and attentive to their owners. Whether they’re romping around or just relaxing on the sofa together, life with an English Bulldog is always full of joy and love. It’s no wonder so many people fall in love with this wonderful dog breed.
Other names and spellings for the English Bulldog
To make this page easier to find, we also list other spellings and translations here.
The English Bulldog is also known as: Bouledogue Anglais, British Bulldog, Buldog angielski, Bulldog, Bulldog Inglese, Engelse buldog, Engelse Bulldog, Engelsk Bulldog, English Bulldog, Olde Tyme Bulldog.
English Bulldog breeder lists
Overview page of all English Bulldog breeders
English Bulldog breeder in Belarus
English Bulldog breeder in Belgium
English Bulldog breeder in Denmark
English Bulldog breeder in Germany
English Bulldog breeder in Estonia
English Bulldog breeder in France
English Bulldog Breeder in Greece
English Bulldog Breeder in Great Britain
English Bulldog breeder in Italy
English Bulldog breeder in Latvia
English Bulldog breeder auf Malta
English Bulldog breeder in Mexico
English Bulldog breeder in the Netherlands
English Bulldog breeder in Austria
English Bulldog breeder in Poland
English Bulldog Breeder in Republic of Moldova
English Bulldog breeder in Romania
English Bulldog breeder in Switzerland
English Bulldog breeder in Slovakia
English Bulldog breeder in Spain
English Bulldog breeder in Czech Republic
English Bulldog breeder in der Ukraine
English Bulldog breeder in Hungary
English Bulldog breeder in the USA
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