Dachshund breeder – Map
Would you like to buy a dachshund? You can find Dachshund breeders on this map. Click on the symbol to get more information about the breeder.
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Dachshund breeder lists
Overview page of all Dachshund breeders
Dachshund breeder in the Czech Republic
Dachshund breeders in Great Britain
Dachshund breeder in Lithuania
Dachshund breeder in Luxembourg
Dachshund breeders in the Netherlands
Dachshund breeders in Switzerland
Dachshund breeder in the Ukraine
Dachshund clubs
Österreichischer Dachshundeklub in Austria
Koninklijke Belgische Teckelclub – Royal Teckelclub Belge in Belgium
Klub chovatelů jezevčíků České republiky in the Czech Republic
Dansk Gravhundeklub in Denmark
Suomen Mäyräkoiraliitto – Finska Taxklubben in Finland
Club des Amateurs de Teckels in France
Deutscher Teckelklub 1888 e.V. in Germany
Verein für Jagd-Teckel e.V. in Germany
Dachshund Breed Council in Great Britain
Irish Dachshund Club in Ireland
Centrale du Chien de Chasse – Dackelkommission in Luxembourg
Nederlandse Teckelclub in the Netherlands
Norske Dachshundklubbers Forbund in Norway
Klub Jamnika w Polsce in Poland
Clubul Național al Crescătorilor de Teckel din România in Romania
Slovenský klub chovateľov jazvečíkov in Slovakia
Teckel Club de España in Spain
Svenska Grythundklubben in Sweden
Schweizerischer Dachshund-Club in Switzerland

I love my dachshund because,
…he is so faithful and loyal.
…he’s always up for an adventure.
…he makes me laugh, no matter what my day has been like.
…he always has me wrapped around his finger with his sweet nature.
…he is simply unique and enriches my life.
A dachshund is not just a dog, but a loyal companion who captures the heart of every owner with his unwavering loyalty and courageous nature. Its headstrong character and determined nature make it a fascinating companion that never tires of protecting and entertaining its family. With its intelligent look and playful nature, the Dachshund always manages to win people’s hearts by storm. Anyone who has ever been lucky enough to own a Dachshund knows that this dog breed is not just a pet, but a true friend for life.
Other names and spellings for dachshunds
To make this page easier to find, we also list other spellings and translations here.
The dachshund is also known as: Amerikanischer Dackel, Badger Dog, Bassotto Kaninchen Pelo Corto, Bassotto Kaninchen Pelo Duro, Bassotto Kaninchen Pelo Lungo, Bassotto Standard a Pelo Duro, Bassotto Standard a Pelo Liscio, Bassotto tedesco, Bassotto Tedesco Nano Pelo Corto, Bassotto Tedesco Nano Pelo Duro, Bassotto Tedesco Nano Pelo Lungo, Bassotto Tedesco Pelo Corto, Bassotto Tedesco Pelo Duro, Bassotto Tedesco Pelo Lungo, Dachshund, Dachshund (long and short hair), Dachshund (longhaired standard), Dachshund (Long-Haired: Rabbit and Miniature), Dachshund (Miniature, Rabbit), Dachshund Long Haired, Dachshund Miniature Wire-haired, Dachshund smooth – Dachshund Miniature smooth, Dachshund standard smooth, Dachshund Wirehaired, Dashond – Teckel, Dashond, korthaar, Dashond, langhaar, Dashond, ruwhaar, Doxie, Dwergdashond, korthaar, Dwergdashond, langhaar, Dwergdashond, ruwhaar, Gravhund, Jamnik długowłosy, Jamnik króliczy długowłosy, Jamnik króliczy krótkowłosy, Jamnik króliczy szorstkowłosy, Jamnik krótkowłosy, Jamnik miniaturowy długowłosy, Jamnik miniaturowy krótkowłosy, Jamnik miniaturowy szorstkowłosy, Jamnik szorstkowłosy, Kaninchen Dashond, korthaar, Kaninchen Dashond, langhaar, Kaninchen Dashond, ruwhaar, Kaninchenteckel, Kaninchenteckel (Kurzhaar), Kaninchenteckel (Rauhhaar), Korthåret Dværg Gravhund, Korthåret Gravhund, Korthåret Kanin Gravhund, Korthåret Miniature Gravhund, Kurzhaardackel, Langhaardackel, Langhåret Dværg Gravhund, Langhåret Gravhund, Langhåret Kanin Gravhund, Langhåret Miniature Gravhund, Miniature Dachshund, Normalteckel, Normalteckel (Kurzhaar), Normalteckel (Langhaar), Normalteckel (Rauhhaar), Rauhaardackel, Rauhhaar-Dachshund, Rauhhaardackel (Zwergdackel), Ruhåret Dværg Gravhund, Ruhåret Gravhund, Ruhåret Kanin Gravhund, Ruhåret Miniature Gravhund, Sausage Dog, Tax, Teckel, Teckel (Dashond), Teckel (Kurzhaar), Teckel (Langhaar), Teckel (Rauhhaar), Teckel nain poil court, Teckel nain, Teckel kaninchen, Teckel poil dur, Teckel poil long, Teckel poil ras, Wiener Dog, Zwergdachshund, Zwergteckel, Zwergteckel (Kurzhaar), Zwergteckel (Langhaar), Zwergteckel (Rauhhaar).
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