Collie breeder – Map
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Collie breeder in Hauts-de-France

Breeders list Hauts-de-France
- De La Vallee De L’ailette in 02000 Laon, Chelles, Aisne (02), Hauts-de-France
- Long hair De La Vallée De L’aisne in 02190 Proviseux-le-Plesnoy, Reims, Aisne (02), Hauts-de-France
- De La Pente De L’orme in 02330 Vallees En Champagne, Meaux, Aisne (02), Hauts-de-France
- Du Clos De La Jarjatte in 02400 Brasles, Meaux, Aisne (02), Hauts-de-France
- Du Grand Bois De Barbillon in 02400 Mont St Pere, Meaux, Aisne (02), Hauts-de-France
- Du Parc Des Acacias in 02470 Passy-en-Valois, Chelles, Aisne (02), Hauts-de-France
- D’isabel John’s in 02600 Saint-Pierre-Aigle, Chelles, Aisne (02), Hauts-de-France
- La Bergerie Des Quatre Vents in 59173 Ebblinghem, Dunkerque, North (59), Hauts-de-France
- Shorthair De La Fleur D’ecosse in 59175 Vendeville, Lille, North (59), Hauts-de-France
- Long hair De La Neuve Forge in 59186 Anor, Binche, North (59), Hauts-de-France
- Long hair Du Jardin Des Heliades in 59190 Morbecque, Ypres, North (59), Hauts-de-France
- Du Domaine Des Dunes De Flandres in 59210 Coudekerque Branche, Dunkerque, North (59), Hauts-de-France
- Shepherdsong in 59229 Teteghem Coudekerque Village, Dunkerque, North (59), Hauts-de-France
- of Tania House Collie in 59260 Lille, Villeneuve-d’Ascq, North (59), Hauts-de-France
- Long hair Du Lac Argenté in 59310 Orchies, Villeneuve-d’Ascq, North (59), Hauts-de-France
- Du Leen Dreve in 59380 Warhem, Dunkerque, North (59), Hauts-de-France
- De La Plaine Des Flandres in 59670 Cassel, Dunkerque, North (59), Hauts-de-France
- Des Terres De Lys in 59940 Neuf Berquin, Lille, North (59), Hauts-de-France
- Long hair Du Paquis Des Hauts De Fees in 60112 Crillon, Beauvais, Oise (60), Hauts-de-France
- Du Clos De L’igloo in 60320 Bethisy St Martin, Chelles, Oise (60), Hauts-de-France
- Du Domino Et Bois Dore in 60330 Silly-le-Long, Meaux, Oise (60), Hauts-de-France
- De La Cascade Des Fleurs De Lys in 60380 Morvillers, Beauvais, Oise (60), Hauts-de-France
- Du Manoir D’ardivillier in 60490 Ressons Sur Matz, Chelles, Oise (60), Hauts-de-France
- of Cutty Star in 60540 Bornel, Cergy, Oise (60), Hauts-de-France
- Shorthair De La Terre Des Coeurs Vaillants in 62124 Ytres, Saint-Quentin, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- Des Chardons Écossais in 62131 Vaudricourt, Lille, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- Long hair Des Collines Artésiennes in 62143 Angres, Lille, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- Des Forges De Thor in 62162 Vieille-Église, Dunkerque, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- Long hair Des Vallées D’atrébatie in 62173 Ficheux, Amiens, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- Des Vallées D’artébatie in 62173 Ficheux, Amiens, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- Du Val Du Croquet in 62215 Oye-Plage, Dunkerque, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- Du Val De La Lawe in 62232 Annezin, Lille, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- Du Royaume Des Étoiles in 62270 Frévent, Amiens, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- De L’ile Aux Petits Tresors in 62370 Ruminghem, Dunkerque, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- Du Chant Des Madones in 62500 Tilques, Dunkerque, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- Du Pre De Licques in 62890 Audrehem, Dunkerque, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- De La Vallee De La Hem in 62890 Audrehem, Dunkerque, Pas-de-Calais (62), Hauts-de-France
- of Fir Plank in 80080 Amiens, Beauvais, Somme (80), Hauts-de-France
- Du Domaine De Castel Garac in 80110 Moreuil, Amiens, Somme (80), Hauts-de-France
- De La Paix Faite in 80110 Domart Sur La Luce, Amiens, Somme (80), Hauts-de-France
- De Viridiana in 80136 Rivery, Amiens, Somme (80), Hauts-de-France
- Du Pre Laby in 80140 Le Translay, Massy, Somme (80), Hauts-de-France
- Shorthair Du Secret Des Lions in 80170 Vrély, Amiens, Somme (80), Hauts-de-France
- De Kermool in 80190 Languevoisin-Quiquery, Saint-Quentin, Somme (80), Hauts-de-France
- Long hair Du Vent Des Libertés in 80360 Gueudecourt, Saint-Quentin, Somme (80), Hauts-de-France
- De La Nuit Des Reves Bleus in 80960 Saint Blimont, Montreuil, Somme (80), Hauts-de-France
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I love my collie because,
…he is so loyal and faithful.
…he is so gentle and good-natured.
…he is so intelligent and capable of learning.
…he is so affectionate and loving.
…he is so beautiful and majestic.
Collies are simply incredible! Their fascinating intelligence makes them great companions who quickly learn new commands and enthusiastically accept challenges. Their gentleness and patience make them perfect family dogs that lovingly look after children and also get along well with other pets. The loyal and affectionate nature of a Collie creates an incomparable bond between humans and animals. Their elegant appearance and friendly expression give them a majestic presence that is worthy of admiration. Owning a Collie makes you feel loved, protected and accompanied by this wonderful breed.
Other names and spellings for Collie
To make this page easier to find, we also list other spellings and translations here.
The Collie is also known as: Amerikanischer Collie, Colley, Colley à poil court, Colley à poil long, Collie (Kurzhaar), Collie (Langhaar), Collie a poil court, Collie a poil long, Collie Kurzhaar, Collie Langhaar, Collie Rough, Collie Smooth, Collie, korthåret, Kurzhaarcollie, Kurzhaariger Schottischer Schäferhund, Langhaar Collie, Langhaarcollie, Langhaariger Schottischer Schäferhund, Lassie Dog, Long-haired Collie, Owczarek szkocki długowłosy, Owczarek szkocki krótkowłosy (Collie Smooth), Pastore Scozzese (Collie), Pastore Scozzese a Pelo Raso (Smooth Collie), Rough Collie, Schotse Collie, Schotse herdershond – Collie, Schotse Herdershond Korthaar, Short-haired Collie, Smooth Collie.
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