Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder – Map
Would you like to buy a Caucasian Shepherd? You can find Caucasian Shepherd Dog breeders on this map. Click on the icon to get more information about the breeder.
Note: The positions do not show the exact position of the breeder, but only the position by zip code.
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Caucasian Shepherd Dog breeder lists
Overview of all Caucasian Shepherd Dog breeders
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in Austria
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in Bulgaria
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in the Czech Republic
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in France
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in Germany
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in Greece
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in Hungary
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in Italy
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in Kazakhstan
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in Latvia
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in the Netherlands
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in Poland
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in Romania
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in Russia
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in Serbia
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in Sweden
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in Switzerland
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in Turkey
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in der Ukraine
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeder in the USA
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Clubs
Allgemeiner Hirten- und Hütehundeclub in Austria
Allgemeiner Hirten Und Hütehundeclub in Austria
Klub kavkazských pasteveckých psů, z. s. in the Czech Republic
Klub kavkazských pasteveckých psů, z. s. (Facebook) in the Czech Republic
Klub ruských a asijských ovčáckých psů, z. s. in the Czech Republic
Klub ruských a asijských ovčáckých psů, z. s. (Facebook) in the Czech Republic
Club des Bergers de l’Est et Italiens in France
Club des Bergers de l’Est et Italiens in France
Club des Bergers de l’Est et Italiens (Facebook) in France
Kaukasischer Owtscharka Club e.V. in Germany
Vereniging van Herders- en Berghonden uit Zuid- en Oost-Europa en Azië in the Netherlands
Svenska VEO Rasklubben in Sweden
Klub für süd- und osteuropäische Hirtenhunde in Switzerland

I love my Caucasian Shepherd because,
…he is loyal and protective.
…he is intelligent and easy to train.
…he builds a strong bond with his family.
…his imposing appearance fascinates me.
…he has a balanced and calm nature.
Caucasian Shepherds are simply fascinating! With their imposing size, their loyal and protective nature and their smart and easily trainable nature, they are loyal companions and guardians. They build a strong bond with their family and are always reliable and loving. Their calm and even-tempered nature makes them perfect companions for people looking for a loyal friend and protector. Caucasian Shepherds are true majesties among dogs and deserve our love and appreciation.
Other names and spellings for Caucasian Shepherd Dog
To make this page easier to find, we also list other spellings and translations here.
The Caucasian Shepherd is also known as: Berger du Caucase, Caucasian Mountain Dog, Caucasian Ovcharka, Caucasian Owtcharka, Caucasian Sheepdog, Caucasian Shepherd Dog, Kaukasische Ovcharka, Kaukasischer Hirtenhund, Kaukasischer Owtscharka, Kavkazskaïa Ovtcharka, Kavkazskaja ovtjarka, kavkazský pastevecký pes, Owczarek kaukaski, Pastore del Caucaso, Vostojnoevropejskaja Ovtjarka.
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