This page is also available on Boxer Züchter und Welpen in Österreich

Boxer Breeder Austria- Map
Would you like to buy a Boxer in Austria? On this map you will find Boxer breeders in Austria and surroundings. Click on the symbol to get more information about the breeder.
Note: The positions do not show the exact position of the breeder, but only the position by zip code.
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Boxer breeder im Burgenland
Breeders list Burgenland
- von Brindlewitch in 2491 Neufeld an der Leitha, Vienna, Eisenstadt-surroundings, Burgenland
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Boxer breeder in Carinthia
Breeders list Carinthia
- von der Lindwurmstadt in 9020 Klagenfurt, Villach, Carinthia
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Boxer breeder in Lower Austria

Breeders list Lower Austria
- Carlaben in 2181 Dobermannsdorf, Vienna, Gänserndorf, Lower Austria
- vom Sachsengang in 2301 Oberhausen, Vienna, Gänserndorf, Lower Austria
- von der Kuckucksuhr in 2361 Laxenburg, Vienna, Mödling, Lower Austria
- vom Königsberg in 2431 Klein-Neusiedl, Vienna, Bruck an der Leitha, Lower Austria
- vom Rochenfelsen in 3140 Pottenbrunn, St. Pölten, Vienna, Lower Austria
- von der Goldschmiede in 3200 Ober-Grafendorf, St. Pölten, St. Pölten, Lower Austria
- von Steveland in 3232 Bischofstetten, St. Pölten, Melk, Lower Austria
- from Lake Conroe in 3304 St.Georgen am Ybbsfelde, Steyr, Amstetten, Lower Austria
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Boxer breeder in Upper Austria
Breeders list Upper Austria
- von der Boxertreue ÖBK in 4171 Auberg, Linz, Rohrbach, Upper Austria
- vom Antiesengrund in 4971 Aurolzmünster, Passau, Ried im Innkreis, Upper Austria
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Boxer breeder in Salzburg
Breeders list Salzburg
- von Mittermoos ÖBK in 5020 Salzburg, Bad Reichenhall, Salzburg
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Boxer breeder in Styria
Breeders list Styria
- von Santicum ÖBK in 8010 Graz, Kapfenberg, Styria
- vom Waldrain ÖBK in 8073 Seiersberg, Wolfsberg, Graz area, Styria
- vom Dultweiler ÖBK in 8101 Gratkorn, Klagenfurt, Graz area, Styria
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Boxer breeder in Tirol
Breeders list Tyrol
Unfortunately no breeder for Tirol yet. Are you a breeder? You can register here for free!
Boxer breeder in Vorarlberg
Breeders list Vorarlberg
- vom Karrenblick in 6850 Dornbirn, Bregenz, Vorarlberg
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Boxer breeder in Vienna
Breeder list Vienna
- Boxernothilfe Austria e.V. in 1020 Wien, Burgenland, Vienna
- von der Balk ÖBK in 1220 Wien, Burgenland, Vienna
- Boxrelay in 1220 Wien, Burgenland, Vienna
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Boxing clubs in Austria

I love my Boxer because,
…he is always so loyal and faithful.
…he is so playful and lively.
…he protects a great family.
…he is so loving and affectionate.
…he infects me with his energy and zest for life.
A Boxer is not just a dog, but a loyal companion who never leaves your side. With their loyal and faithful nature, Boxers are the perfect protectors for their family. Their playful and lively nature always brings joy to everyday life and makes for unforgettable moments. Boxers are known for their love and attachment to their owners, making them an indispensable part of family life. Their energy and zest for life are infectious and always bring zest and joy to the day. When you have a Boxer by your side, you know you not only have a dog, but a true friend for life.
Other names and spellings for Boxer
To make this page easier to find, we also list other spellings and translations here.
The Boxer is also known as: Bokser, Boxer Dog, Boxer Fulvo, Boxer Tigrato, Deutscher Boxer, German Boxer.
Boxer breeder lists
Overview page of all Boxer breeders
Boxer breeder in the Czech Republic
Boxer breeders in Great Britain
Boxer breeder in the Netherlands
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