German Hunting Terrier Breeder – Map
Would you like to buy a German Hunting Terrier? On this map you will find German Hunting Terrier breeders. Click on the symbol to get more information about the breeder.
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German Hunting Terrier breeder in Normandy

Breeders list Normandy
- De La Foret D’Auge in 14140 Livar, Caen, Calvados (14), Normandy
- Du Mesnil Levrault in 14170 Saint-Pierre-en-Auge, Caen, Calvados (14), Normandy
- Des Echos Du Pays D’Auge in 14170 Saint Pierre Sur Dives, Caen, Calvados (14), Normandy
- De La Fleur Vaillante in 14270 Belle Vie En Auge, Caen, Calvados (14), Normandy
- Des Diables De La Bete Noire in 14290 Cernay, Le Havre, Calvados (14), Normandy
- Du Ferme De La Criquetiere in 14350 Valdallière, Caen, Calvados (14), Normandy
- Des Vergers Lecqueraye in 14510 Saint, Le Havre, Calvados (14), Normandy
- Du Rallye Des Pirates in 14540 Bourguebus, Caen, Calvados (14), Normandy
- Du Chant Des Sources in 27000 Évreux, Rouen, Yours (27), Normandy
- De L’Abbaye Du Tresor in 27120 Pacy Sur Eure, Cergy, Yours (27), Normandy
- Du Clos De La Reine Blanche in 27140 Saint Dens Le Ferment, Beauvais, Yours (27), Normandy
- De La Mare Du Deluge in 27220 Saint Laurent Des Bois, Cergy, Yours (27), Normandy
- De La Ferme Saint Pierre in 27220 La Baronnie, Cergy, Yours (27), Normandy
- Du Village Normand in 27250 Neaufles-Auvergny, Rouen, Yours (27), Normandy
- Frenchfox in 27270 Capelle, Rouen, Yours (27), Normandy
- Des Petites Terreurs in 27290 Saint-Philbert-sur-Risle, Rouen, Yours (27), Normandy
- Du Moulin D’Epine in 27380 Amfreville Sous Les Monts, Rouen, Yours (27), Normandy
- Du Clos De L’épte in 27420 Authevernes, Cergy, Yours (27), Normandy
- Du Passage De La Naux in 27440 Bacqueville, Rouen, Yours (27), Normandy
- Du Marais De Sainte Anne in 50190 Gorges, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Some (50), Normandy
- Des Echos Du Bois D’Etenclin in 50250 Doville, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Some (50), Normandy
- Des Petits Kerezenn in 50640 Le Teilleul, Rennes, Some (50), Normandy
- Du Domaine D’Aiden in 50690 Nouainville, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Some (50), Normandy
- Du Chemin Des Matelots in 50770 Pirou, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Some (50), Normandy
- De Kerdriss in 61100 Cerisy Belle Etoile, Caen, Orne (61), Normandy
- Des Echos De La Valle D’Auge in 61120 Canapville, Caen, Orne (61), Normandy
- Du Vaux Gombert in 61260 Ceton, Le Mans, Orne (61), Normandy
- of White Keeper in 61290 Longny Les Villages, Le Mans, Orne (61), Normandy
- De L’Echo Du Brasdefer in 61300 L’aigle, La Trinité, Orne (61), Normandy
- Du Chien Dhulysse in 61350 Saint-Fraimbault, Mayenne, Orne (61), Normandy
- Du Clos De La Melinière in 61470 Le Bosc Renoult, Caen, Orne (61), Normandy
- De La Vallee Normande in 61500 Sees, Le Mans, Orne (61), Normandy
- Du Clos De La Rabotiere in 61550 Couvains, Rouen, Orne (61), Normandy
- Du Grand Ridrel in 61600 Les Monts D Andaine, Caen, Orne (61), Normandy
- Du Petit Bois De Gogny in 76190 Haut, Rouen, Vosges (88), Normandy
- De La Lisiere D’Arelaunum in 76330 Norville, Le Havre, Seine-Maritime (76), Normandy
- vom Land der Somme in 76630 Petit Caux, Massy, Seine-Maritime (76), Normandy
- Du Domaine Des Chapelles in 76780 La Chapelle St Ouen, Massy, Seine-Maritime (76), Normandy
- Des Bordures De Belcinac in 76940 Vatteville-la-Rue, Rouen, Seine-Maritime (76), Normandy
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German Hunting Terrier Clubs in France

I love my German Hunting Terrier because,
…he is my loyal companion.
…he is intelligent and capable of learning.
…he is a great hunter.
…he is active and playful.
…he has a strong bond with me.
The German Hunting Terrier is a versatile dog with a lively personality. His tireless willingness to work, his intelligence and his loyalty make him a perfect companion for all hunting and outdoor activities. With its cheerful nature and strong bond with its owner, it is no wonder that many people fall in love with the German Hunting Terrier. His ability to learn quickly and his hunting instincts make him an outstanding partner for hunters and dog sports enthusiasts. In short, the German Hunting Terrier is not just a dog, but a loyal friend who captures the hearts of many people with his energy and love.

Other names and spellings for German Hunting Terrier
To make this page easier to find, we also list other spellings and translations here.
The German Hunting Terrier is also known as: German Hunt Terrier, German Hunting Terrier, German Jagdterrier, Jagdterrier, Niemiecki terier myśliwski, Terrier de chasse allemand, Tysk Jagtterrier, Tysk Jaktterrier.
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