Shepherd dog breeder Luxembourg- Map
Would you like to buy a Shepherd dog in Luxembourg? On this map you will find breeders of German Shepherds in Luxembourg and surroundings. Click on the icon to get more information about the breeder.
Note: The positions do not show the exact position of the breeder, but only the position by zip code.
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Shepherd dog breeder in Luxembourg
- Van Kaoz in 1142 Wambeek, Aarlen, Canton of Luxembourg,
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I love my German shepherd because,
…he is loyal and protective.
…he is intelligent and easy to train.
…he is playful and full of energy.
…he builds a strong bond with me.
…he always makes me laugh.
Sheepdogs are an amazing combination of intelligence, loyalty, playfulness and energy. They are not only excellent guard dogs, but also loyal companions and loving family members. Their strong protective instincts and willingness to defend their humans make them great guardians. Their ability to learn and obey quickly makes them ideal training partners. Sheepdogs can form a strong bond with their owners and are known to always make their humans laugh. Their lively personalities and endless energy make them a joy to spend time with. A German Shepherd is not just a pet, but a friend for life that captures the heart of its owners with its unique character and loving nature.
Other names and spellings for shepherd dog
To make this page easier to find, we also list other spellings and translations here.
The sheepdog is also known as the sheepdog: Alsatian, Alsatian Wolf Dog, Altdeutscher Schäferhund, Berger allemand, Berger Allemand à Poil Long, Berger Allemand Poil Long, Deutsche Schäferhunde, Deutscher Schäferhund, Deutscher Schäferhund (Langstockhaar), Deutscher Schäferhund (Stockhaar), Deutscher Schäferhund Brauner langhaariger Schlag, Deutscher Schäferhund Cremefarbener langhaariger Schlag, Deutscher Schäferhund Schwarzer langhaariger Schlag, Duitse Herder, Elsässer Wolfshund, German Shepherd, German Shepherd Dog, Old German herding dogs, Old German Shepherd, Oudduitse Herder, Owczarek niemiecki długowłosy, Owczarek niemiecki krótkowłosy, Pastor alemán, Pastore Tedesco, Schæferhund, stockhåret, Schæferhund,langstockh. m. underuld.
Shepherd dog breeder lists
Overview page of all German Shepherd breeders
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